There is not enough place? Not failure!
The average family living in the city apartment, in the most part cannot повытрепываться truly a spacious bathroom. It is necessary to dodge in every possible way more often to arrange on the malekhanky area all necessary bathroom equipment and furniture. So, aspiring to save up a place, many are simply released from a sink and wash specifically over a bathroom that is not so pleasant.
The Ravak company developed the concept specially for bathrooms of the moderate sizes which will allow to arrange in a bathroom all necessary, not zagromozhdy at all this a place. As quite often happens, this system is very ordinary, but at all this is comfortable. The main distinctive feature of the BeHappy collection is the wash basin placed directly over a bathroom. The bath is narrowed in
the direction of "feet" that provides comfortable access to a sink.
Baths are executed from acryle and have three main sizes: 150, 160 and 170 see. The width them in a place of narrowing makes only 51,2 cm, and in a zone of shoulders it is standard – 75 see. As it is possible to create on a photo, the bath is narrowed not moderately but only on the one hand, but in the range of the company is both "left", and the "right" model. The same it is possible to tell and about a sink rounded on the one hand.
Not including it in the BeHappy series you find 3 options of a screen (for every size of a bath) which firmly will protect a floor from water splashes.
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