Now and meter 30 …

Now and meter 30 …
At the end of last year the recognizable European producer of the sanitary equipment presented on Russian market a novelty – an iron bath longish 1м 30см.

It is clear that all baths «Estap» (Slovakia), which length before release of a novelty was various, but did not make 1.3м, are enameled by way of an electrostatics, guaranteeing long and good-quality service of own products (30 years). To a surface at all this during operation remains absolutely smooth with preservation of obvious shine.

To look after bathing «Estap» it is simple, since enamel, having passed unique superficial processing at plant, possesses highly hygienic lines.

Cost of the latest bath with legs from the Slovak producer, which length of 1.3 m, – near 3,5тыс.рублей. The siphon is absent.

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