Water – stop!

Water – stop!
Strongly much we speak about economy: electric power, water and so forth. It at present is burning more than ever. Therefore it is not magnificent that in our life there are devices which simplify to the earth population an economy problem.

One more adaptation for economy of water by means of the mixer under the title Water&Time appeared not so long ago. Mechanism of operation of this small device the subsequent:

You include water for a set in a bath.

Expose the timer on a certain interval of time – we will tell, for 7 minutes.

On the expiration of 7 minutes water stops to arrive on изливу the mixer – the device Water&Time will block water.

Such makary if you went to a computer «only to check mail» while water is gathered in a bathroom, you with guarantee do not receive a flood in a bathroom. Chtozhe, curiously. Here still it would be not expensive …

Water – stop!

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