On though what taste

On though what taste
What requirements are usually shown to kitchen mixers? At first it, naturally, convenience, functionality and reliability. But not on the last place there is also a nice external shape, after all in kitchen we use the mixer in times more often, than in a bathroom, and it is even more pleasant to see fine forms, if something unclear.

The brand new line of mixers from the German company "Blanco" can повытрепываться all these pluses. All 5 models exposed in this season, are executed from stainless steel with brilliant furnish (variativno), but at all this they are not so similar at each other.

On though what taste
So, magnificent and unique "Blancosulina-S" has a form of the arch formed by a semblance of a spring. «Blancolinee» with its harmonious combination of cubic and cylindrical parts will be pleasant to specific fans of a miniatyurizm. By the way, this model is issued in 2 decisions – with rotary or sliding izlivy. Small-sized «Blancoelos One» perfectly will be suitable for small sinks. The control lever is built in specifically On though what taste
the mixer case that is rather comfortable, and to the highest having given vent with turn possibility on 360 degrees will allow to gather simply water even in big vases.

The Blancotivo-S mixer is the unique representative of the latest ruler trimmed with the composit material Silgranit of various flowers. From other features it should be noted existence of a sliding hose that, by all means, will simplify process of a sink of ware. And, eventually, «Blancojil» possesses being remembered outlines (its case is cut off at an acute angle), the enameled furnish and the highest izlivy.

The price of all models is various. So, «Blancotivo-S» will manage to you approximately in 7,5 иысяч rubles, and here for «Blancolinee» it is necessary to pay already 14 тыщ.

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