Treatment facilities, mechanical and bio cleaning
Treatment facilities for dachas and the whole settlements, also for cleaning of sewage from the industrial companies are comprised by the whole difficult unique complex of different actions. Such clarification and removal of respective pollution charmingly comprises such stages of cleaning as mechanical, bio processing, physical and chemical, also in certain cases and additional disinfection. Also when cleaning himreagentny and mechanical does not give respective result, other special utilization by means of thermal liquidation in respective installations is applied. Such constructions in particular are important and necessary in the remote settlements where similar different devices fill lack of the central ordinary city sewerage. Installation of cleaning should correspond to requirements to norms and standards on cleaning of such waters, and there is such processing of 2 types, in other words it can be station stationary or clearing mobile. Cleaning of waters waste is mechanical and following bio processing and if you this question, to you here interests, in other words specifically the mechanical step and a bio step of the general cleaning here further will be described.
1. Mechanical step of cleaning. This step is preparatory and at it waters waste are prepared for the forthcoming cleaning bio, in other words insoluble different impurity here are late. Constructions for carrying out that cleaning consist of a lattice and a sieve, from a peskolovka, a settler primary, membrane parts and their special septic tanks. The lattice serves for a delay of mineral and organic pollution, and for fuller delay and precipitation of impurities specifically sieve serves. Passing a lattice and a sieve having certain sizes of the grid, the drain is carried out further through a peskolovka where such parts as slag, sand, fight of glass and others are processed by means of a zhirolovka and at gravity removal of waterproof different substances from waters waste is carried out. The subsequent type of processing is membrane special development for cleaning, thanks to the general such mechanical action mineral pollution to 60 % and is removed more. Also such cleaning preparatory does more uniform movement of such waters for the forthcoming cleaning, and such movement is called usually as averaging.
2. Bio cleaning. This step consists in degradation and decomposition of organic substances of sewage by means of different means, including by means of microbes. At all this so called mineralization of waters is carried out, phosphorus and nitrogen in other words is removed and level БПКП5 goes down, usually aerobic and anaerobny different smallest organisms are for this purpose used. Cleaning bio in the main thing is used for today by means of an aerotenka (silt active), metantenka (fermentation anaerobny) and when using biofilters. Cleaning at all this consists of special settlers primary and from settlers circular which represent илососы which are used for removal from a bottom of drains of silt. After that processing sewage can pass also a phosphorus sedimentatsiya, ozonization, chlorination, also additional electroflotation and an evaporatsiya that also improves the general quality of cleaning.
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