Advantages of septic tanks from fibreglass

Advantages of septic tanks from fibreglass
Septic tank – the independent system of the sewerage created for clarification of sewage in the suburban house, a mansion, filling station and so forth.


The three-chambered septic tanks made from fibreglass by the Aquor company, are the faultless decision for sewerage systems in suburban houses. Fiberglass capacities are carried out by way of machine winding that throws them an unsurpassed krepkost. Septic tanks, productions of the Aquor company have the decent list of advantages:

  • Low price. Cost of septic tanks it is perceptible below, than the price similar on volume iron, polyethylene and plastic, having essentially the smallest krepkost.
  • Reliability. Their design is checked for years of operation worldwide and enjoys wide popularity in the majority of the advanced countries. In a septic tank made on this technology there is nothing to break.
  • Durability. The sewerage system, on the basis of a septic tank made of fibreglass, has service life of 50 years. It is comparable to term of operation of houses. All this is reached thanks to an innovatorsky material which is not subject to corrosion, low temperatures and decay. The material is steady against eating by his animals, for example, moles and mice.
  • Advantages of septic tanks from fibreglass
    Krepkost. The case from fibreglass is capable to maintain big loadings. Additional edges of rigidity and reinforcing appropriate designs an improbable krepkost. Thanks to it, we provide a guarantee on Aquor company septic tanks – 10 years.
  • Simplicity in service. Service, it is necessary for a septic tank only once in a year. Procedure of cleaning of a septic tank by assenizatorny car borrows time, less than an hour.
  • Volley dumping. The septic tank is capable to sustain single volley emission of huge volume of drains, and is steady against hit in it foreign subjects. Got to a drain, toilet paper and household chemicals, will not manage to do much harm operability of your sewerage and subjects more to put it out of action
  • Preservation for the winter period. Thanks to lack of mechanical and electronic parts in a septic tank and its resistance to a vymerzaniye, there is no need for preparation of system to a break in operation.
  • Septic tank operation during the winter period. Techno feature of installation of a septic tank and the natural processes occurring at cleaning of drains, allocating heat, do not allow capacity to be chilled at low temperatures.

Advantages of septic tanks from fibreglass
Everything who else before purchase will find out about septic tanks from fibreglass, at all do not consider other options of production of septic tanks, and those who after purchase – regret that did not learn earlier. Let’s find out the reason:

The septic tanks of similar volume made of plastic or cellophane, can have cost nekordinalno the smallest, in comparison to Aquor septic tanks. But cheaper does not designate better. Walls of plastic capacities, without maintaining differences of temperatures and pressure of soil – are deformed, owing to what, the septic tank becomes unfit for use.

The septic tanks made of metal and reinforced concrete, have the highest the price, and are subject to corrosion, also, their installation needs special equipment and soil preparation. At all this, term of operation of such capacities, as well as plastic less than 20 years.

Our creation is based on a way of machine winding at the expense of which the big krepkost and incommensurable ease of our production is reached.

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