Organisation of Book

The book covers both theory and practice and addresses both sub-surface drainage and water quality issues. Chapter 2 deals with basic flow and suction theory and Chapter 4 with heat transfer, which is implicated in driving water movement by phase change mechanisms (freezing, thawing, evaporation). Chapter 6 establishes a basis for discussing environmental aspects, introducing contaminant transport pro­cesses. Chapters 3 and 7 give an overview of the available techniques to monitor water flow, suction pressures and contaminants in water. After this introductory and descriptive section of the book, Chapters 8-11 aim to explain interaction between water in soil and aggregate and the mechanical response of such materials. This explanation covers theory, field behaviour, laboratory testing and theoretical and numerical modelling. The book ends with two chapters that aim to guide readers to improve the environmental condition, to reduce water pressure and to reduce the volume of water in the pavement and adjacent soils. Aspects only of relevance to environmental matters are covered in Chapter 12 while the much longer Chapter 13 describes the many techniques that can be used to manage water in the pavement and near-pavement soils. Often such management has benefits to both the mechanical and environmental performance of the pavement structure and earthworks.

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