Hermetic for pipes

Hermetic for pipes

Probably those much of number who was engaged in repair or substitution of cranes faced that after a pakovka (assembly) of the crane on carving a pipe and the crane connection there is a leakage. I too faced not so long ago similar discrepancy, there was a need of substitution of the crane. A water supply system at me in the house in the house the plastic. I wish to see to a descent experience with bathroom equipment and pipes I have small, at level of household substitution of the worn-out laying, etc. and anything in substitution I did not contemplate the difficult crane.

In shop I bought the new crane, фум a tape for sealing of connections and a tube of dim silicone (so for more reliable sealing). Blocked input of water and, having turned off starenky, the crane I laboriously wiped a carving on a pipe and as it is necessary on a course of a carving reeled up some rounds фум tapes. Wound the crane further, and having still thought that the difficult crane in substitution is not present anything, opened water on input. But the junction of a pipe and the crane gave an insignificant leak. Then I made the same only with silicone application, it became a little better, but the leakage remained. How still to pack? Not paint.

I called the familiar plumber to ask, than after all it is possible to close up connection tightly. It recommended the imported hermetic, having specified, the truth its the highest the price, and recommended to be released from use фум tapes and to use the old tested tow. For paste I paid $20 for 460 – ти a gram jar.

On a photo hermetic

Hermetic for pipes
Hermetic for pipes

Having got paste and tow, I started to work. First smeared with paste a pipe carving, smeared with paste a small piece of tow further and reeled up it on a carving. Than to put hermetic I did not know and put with a finger. Wound the crane and submitted water, I was pleasantly surprised – droplets did not act. Work was executed successfully. Having rummaged in a web, I found properties of hermetic, it appears it it is possible to use and in heating systems and that, distinguishes it from other hermetics, what even after the lapse of time, carving connections are simply turned off.

Hermetic for pipes
On a photo hermetic and a piece of a pipe with tow the processed paste.

Later I used this paste at a dacha at water supply system repair, and it did not bring me. To itself drew conclusions, what not any new material (фум a tape) is quite good, and here tow I reflected, already nobody uses, but it appears, it is intensively used. Now this hermetic always under a hand. I advise to all to use this hermetic who got to a similar situation.

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