Can a Vintage Home Be Energy Efficient?


Подпись: process because many of them have under-gone numerous renovations over the years. You never know exactly what you'll find. In Old Houses, Most Systems Are at the End of Their Useful Life A hundred years can take its toll on infra-structure, and this is often the case with old houses. The water line from the street, electrical wiring, plumbing, mechanical systems— all are often nearing the end of their life. It would be foolish to renovate a house without replacing these basic systems. Windows often no longer function as intended, either. Their ventilation properties are hindered by layers of paint, or they simply became swollen shut years ago. If neglected, siding can need repair or replacement, too. While the shape, floor plan, and details of an old house allow it to endure, people often think they need an addition to provide In America, there are around 58 million houses that were built before the last energy crisis. Because these pre-1970s houses have little or no insulation, they are all ripe for energy-efficiency improvements. Houses eat up 20% of the energy used in this coun­try and account for 21% of the carbon diox­ide that contributes to global warming. This adds up to a huge opportunity.

America’s old houses can be made much tighter and can even approach net-zero energy use. Here, I’ll highlight three houses that my company, Building Science Corp., has renovated. Each house had different limitations and learning curves. I share one of the houses with my husband and business partner, Joe Lstiburek, and two of them have been used as our office space.

Renovating an old house is an expensive process. It’s also a delicate process because the end product must retain its charm. Most old houses are still around because people love their timeless form, floor plan, trim, de­tails, and historical significance. Renovating an old house is a surprising and challenging

Can a Vintage Home Be Energy Efficient?

another bathroom, bedroom, office, or bet­ter views. Then they spend money building an addition, only to spend all their time in this new space because the rest of the house is uncomfortable. They don’t really get more space in this deal; they get a smaller space that’s comfortable.

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