Preparing Pavement Facilities

The existing pavement facilities should be prepared prior to placing the mixture of a wearing course. This preparation should result in the following:

• Appropriate, tight, and durable bonding between asphalt course and facilities (e. g., with the use of suitable polymer modified asphalt tapes [Figure 10.7])

• Protection against damage or infiltration of excess asphalt mixture (e. g., around a drain or manhole)

10.2.5 Preparing Edges of the Courses

The edges of the course should also be prepared. The selected method should ensure durable joints at the transverse and longitudinal edges. Most previous experiences have proved the poor effectiveness of traditional methods like applying hot binder,

Preparing Pavement Facilities

image100FIGURE 10.8 PMB tape for sealing pavement joints (a) when bonding with a layer edge and (b) after application. (Photos courtesy of Slaskie Kruszywa Naturalne sp. z o. o., Poland.)

covering with emulsion, and other similar techniques. As in other cases, PMB tapes (Figure 10.8) put on manually or special PMB compounds spread mechanically (Figure 10.9) have been recommended.

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