In most countries, SMA mixtures are more expensive to construct than comparable mixtures of AC. Higher initial prices result from the application of the following:
• Larger amounts of binder (or a PMB)
• Greater amounts of added filler
• Large quantities of high quality coarse aggregates
• Stabilizers (most often fibers)
• Higher production temperatures
• Lower outputs of asphalt plants
The approximate price difference amounts to + 20% to + 30%, depending on the country and specificity of the placement. However, such a difference in price is accepted by road administrations owing to the better durability of SMA pavements. It is widely assumed that their average lifetime amounts to at least 20 years. In many countries it is difficult to verify this service life due to the small number of SMA sections that have been in place longer than 15 years.
It can be assumed that the higher initial costs of SMA mixtures have been compensated for by their longer durability and lower maintenance costs. Taking into account the lower costs of operation due to the absence of repair needs and hence fewer traffic disruptions for road users, the economical efficiency of SMA is higher than that of the classic AC.
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