Bridge in Ptock, Poland

The bridge in Plock, Poland, is a steel, highway and railway, multispan bridge with a significant longitudinal slope. During reconstruction in 1998, a new sprayed pro­tection layer was applied and one layer of 0/16 mm SMA surfacing was laid down. An SBS modified binder—with 50/80 Pen@25°C, SP > 63°C, and ER > 80%—was used. It was an experimental SMA application of 0/16 mm grading on a steel bridge. Its surface integrity, after 2 years in operation, was at least a warning. Large areas of cracks and slight rutting could be seen here and there (Figure 13.2.a). The pavement will have to be reconstructed soon. This rapid pavement failure was probably caused by poor adhesion of the course to the protection layer and high permeability resulting from the use of the coarse 0/16 mm grading.

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