Two more questions of sinks…

In a question of a sink choice for a bathroom, in the middle of the main and simply solved questions two others flicker – the least basic, but irritating. 1st question: protection against a modulation – is necessary? Many know why on a sink establish this protection, but not all understand this course. And protection against a modulation not so much is necessary to us, how many to inhabitants of Western Europe where very sharply there is a question of amount of the used water. After all water in certain countries on вагу gold and it it is necessary to save up, and to wash in the wash basin closed by a stopper, and in several liters of water. Here also protection against a modulation that if something happens water got straight to a ditch, instead of on a floor is necessary. As to us, to us it is not necessary to use protection against a modulation, after all even to present for itself heavy that it is possible to wash not flowing water from under the crane, and behind the earlier gathered. But after all in life everyone happens, can there will be a situation that the sink got littered, and without similar protection it is necessary to heat neighbors. And it is already enough slippery question… 2nd question: and whether there are new types of sinks? A usual sink tulip, with a longish narrow leg of any functionality will brag cannot. And here new and modern development of the sinks, which integrated into a curbstone, a table or a dresser – looks more beautifully, well and multipurpose abilities at them are more extensive. Very quite often such built-in sinks are on sale in a set not only only with a curbstone and with a mirror which is executed in uniform design ensemble with all other parts. Such introduction is very comfortable, after all very quite often a mirror have specifically over a wash basin, though it looks not so beautifully, as at built in a wash basin. In the people that type of a sink can be called not on another, as "мойдодыр". Even dealers of bathroom equipment specifically so call this type of sinks. The curbstone for "мойдодыра", and its table-top, can be made both of more cheap DVP and MDF, and from expensive marble, with special impregnation which is not afraid some water. Specifically total cost of a built-in sink also depends on a material choice for a table-top very quite often.

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