Simply wash basin? Street!
Wash basin of very small-sized design which can be transferred simply, and then to establish in any suitable place where there is no centralized water supply. Structurally the wash basin very much малогабаритен also takes not enough place. In a wash basin the sink from stainless steel is established. All iron frame of a wash basin is painted by powder enamel.
From a sink the used water it is possible to take away in though what the provided place. At all democratic character of design, a wash basin "Mr. Heath" "Street" without a water heater looks enough fashionably.
After all how comfortably to put that wash basin where you fill in water and you wash, and flows nothing and not брызжет on feet. The painted case not заржавевает and it is simple for wiping an ordinary rag at pollution. A wash basin "Mr. Heath" "Street" without a water heater occupies places not enough, and – it is a lot of utility. To break in a wash basin there is nothing, in after all more simply designs of a wash basin do not exist.
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