Not paper paper: high quality imitation!
Say that paper doesn’t blush. Well, invariable experiences of designers with wall-paper confirm it. But paper suits not only only creation of wall-paper. Art of addition of cardboard figures, origami, arose in a submultiple antiquity, but popularly till this moment. So, lighting devices with lamp shades from reaped paper any more do not strike us. But sinks?!
The Rapsel company made very effective novelty – separately standing sink of "Vision". The support of a wash basin has a pleasant cylindrical form and looks as if it is made of reaped paper! Obviously, modern technologies still cannot
make a cardboard leaf water-proof yet, therefore before us only imitation. But what fine!
It seems, designers chose the best option of design of own model. The usual form, spotless snow-white color and the unusual invoice allow a novelty to be allocated in the middle тыщ other sinks.
And on the truth, now stylishly to experiment flowers and bathroom equipment outlines, but here the invoice usually is not beaten. And it is very vain. By the way, these wash basins besides are equipped with the integrated illumination which emphasizes all "paper" bends and folds.
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