In an original way. Vobshchem, as usual (it is a lot of photo)

In an original way. Vobshchem, as usual (it is a lot of photo)
Kazhdogodny a design festival "Vodoparad" who has taken place in the eleventh time (Kharkov), ended the work. In 2012 definition the "Opening" meaning evolution thoughts, engineering plans and creative decisions became a subject of this "water" action.

Expert jury, the German designer Adolf Babel headed which, consisted of representatives of Switzerland, Finland, Italy. And objects of bathroom equipment of various mission were presented at a subject festival of 2012 in the main thing.

Naturally, someone managed a merit, and to someone – and not one. But we will not understand that subject design left this year perfectly, and that not so. We will simply suggest you to have a look inquisitive ideas on own design. Click on a photo – it becomes huge, various noteworthy trifles will be visible. Pleasant viewing!

In an original way. Vobshchem, as usual (it is a lot of photo)
In an original way. Vobshchem, as usual (it is a lot of photo)

In an original way. Vobshchem, as usual (it is a lot of photo)
In an original way. Vobshchem, as usual (it is a lot of photo)

In an original way. Vobshchem, as usual (it is a lot of photo)
In an original way. Vobshchem, as usual (it is a lot of photo)

In an original way. Vobshchem, as usual (it is a lot of photo)
In an original way. Vobshchem, as usual (it is a lot of photo)

In an original way. Vobshchem, as usual (it is a lot of photo)
In an original way. Vobshchem, as usual (it is a lot of photo)
In an original way. Vobshchem, as usual (it is a lot of photo)

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