Installation of metalplastic pipes
To establish system with introduction of metalplastic pipes, avoiding at all this emergence of the covered defects, it is necessary to adhere to several rules – to cut a pipe special scissors, to create installation at plusovy temperature, to use the clips designated in the summary and clamps. If the system asks introduction of nozzles, pipes are humidified only with water, without oil or greasing impurity.
Indisputable advantage of metalplastic pipes – resistance to a rust, corrosion, limy deposits. They are simple for connecting between itself, they are compatible with though what system of heating, and in a case damage is not present need to change all system, it is enough to change a defective site.
Let’s make out a marking and installation of metalplastic pipes is more detailed.
Marking of pipes (designation of their places are sharp), create by means of a folding linear measure. Designations do by a marker or a pencil. The marking of pipes is not allowed by drawing of cuts or рисок is can become the emergency precondition.
Rezka of metalplastic pipes create special scissors. In avoidance a smyatiya on a pipe do small cuts approximately (1-2 mm), cut then a pipe up to the end.
The radius of bending of a metalplastic pipe makes a minimum 5D. It is flexible becomes in a cool condition. To avoid залома or narrowings of a pipe it is recommended to use a spring for are flexible. If a pipe diameter more than 25 mm, use трубогибы.
For preparation of a pipe use the calibrator or development. By means of these tools the end of a pipe is calibrated in coordination with an internal diameter.
To prepare the pipe end for installation it is necessary to execute operation of calibration of a diameter and to cut facets. For this purpose the calibrator turn clockwise, entering it into a pipe.
Razvaltsovochna a part of development calibrates an internal diameter, the mill makes a facet. The development back, create calibration to a cut strip. At all this the facet is cut. It is necessary to look, that depth of a facet was less than 1 mm. On the ends of pipes prepared such makary it is possible to strengthen a connector or other accessories.
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