Warehouses, foundries, manufacturing buildings, and similar buildings have some special requirements. For example, a shower must be provided for each 15 people who may be exposed to excessive heat or to skin contamination with poisonous, infectious, or irritating material. When you look at the table in Figure 9.12 you will see a number of numbers at the topic headings. Refer back to Figure 9.2 for an understanding of the special notes. An example of such a note is number 14 in the list of Figure 9.2. It says that one lavatory must be supplied for every 15 people who may have exposure to skin contamina­tion with poisonous, infectious, or irritating materials. Refer all of the special notes before you begin figuring your fixture needs.


Buildings used for light manufacturing are affected by the special notes listed in Figure 9.2. Pay attention to all the note references in the table labeled as Figure 9.13. You will see that the sizing table is like the others that we have been using and is just as easy to negotiate.

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