When you are dealing with clubs and lounges, you must pay attention to Board of Health requirements. Remember that if a restaurant will be serving alcoholic beverages, the building will be treated as a club or lounge for fixture require­ments. I should also point out that the tables we are using are from the Standard Plumbing Code. Local codes vary, so don’t use these tables for your actual work. I’m providing the tables for the sake of examples, not as the final word.

I’m not going to continue doing routine examples of table use. You should understand the basic concepts now. However, I will touch on the remaining categories and provide you with sample tables for determining minimum plumbing fixtures. Figure 9.9 is a table set up for clubs and lounges. There is nothing unusual about the table, so apply the same principles that we have been working with.


Do-it-yourself laundries are required to have at least one drinking fountain and one service sink. Figure 9.10 will give you the basics for sizing fixture re­quirements of do-it-yourself laundries. Notice that this type of laundry might be allowed to operate with a single bathroom.

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