The sample-mean method

Подпись: G = Подпись: ҐЇ g(x) a [fx ( X) Подпись: fx(x) dx Подпись: for a < x < b Подпись: (6.58)

The sample-mean Monte Carlo integration is based on the idea that the com­putation of the integral by Eq. (6.49) alternatively can be carried out by

Подпись: G = E Подпись: g(X) ] fx (X)_ Подпись: (6.59)

in which fx(x) > 0 is a PDF defined over a < x < b. The transformed in­tegral given by Eq. (6.49) is equivalent to the computation of expectation of g(X)/fx (X), namely,

with X being a random variable having a PDF fx(x) defined over a < x < b. The estimation of E [g(X)/fx(X)] by the sample-mean Monte Carlo integration method is

Подпись:G _ 1 g(xi)

n fx (xi)

fx(x) dx – G[13] [14] [15]

Подпись: Var( G) Подпись: [bg( x)j2 a [fx ( x)_ Подпись: (6.61)

in which xi is the random variate generated according to fx(x), and n is the number of random variates produced. The sample estimator given by Eq. (6.60) has a variance

The sample-mean Monte Carlo integration algorithm can be implemented as follows:

For simplicity, consider that X ~ U(a, b) has a PDF

Подпись: fx (x) =Подпись:1

The sample-mean method

b – a

The sample-mean algorithm, then, can be outlined as the following:

1. Generate n standard uniform random variates ui from U(0, 1).

2. Let ti = 200ui, which is a uniform random variate from U(0, 200), and compute ft (ti).


The sample-mean method

Estimate the pump failure probability as


The sample-mean method The sample-mean method

To assess the error associated with the estimated pump failure probability by the preceding equation, compute the following quantity:

where (•) is the operator for the mean of the quantity inside.

Using this algorithm for 2000 simulations, the estimated pump failure probability is pf = 0.14797. Comparing with the exact failure probability, pf = 0.147856, the estimated failure probability by the sample-mean method, with n = 2000 and the simple uniform distribution chosen, has an error of0.0771 percent relative to the exact solution.

The associated standard error can be computed according to Eq. (6.63) as

spf = ^(pf ) – (pf )2 = 0.00015

Assuming normality for the estimated pump failure probability, the 95 percent confi­dence interval containing the exact failure probability pf is

pf + 1.96 spf = (0.14767,0.14826)

Comparing the solutions with those of Example 6.6, it is observed that for the same number ofsamples n, the sample-mean algorithm yields a significantly more accurate estimation than the hit-and-miss algorithm. Furthermore, the precision, represented by the standard error, associated with the estimated failure probability by the sample – mean method, is smaller than that of the hit-and-miss algorithm. Consequently, the confidence interval with the same level of significance will be tighter.

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