Parallel systems

For a parallel system, the entire system would perform satisfactorily if any one or more of its components or modes of operation is functioning satisfactorily; the entire system would fail only if all its components or modes of operation fail.

In the framework of load-resistance interference for different modes of oper­ation, the failure probability of a parallel system, according to Eq. (7.9), is

Parallel systems


П (Wm < 0)



Pf, sys = P




П (Zm < m=1




Ф(-в I Rz)




Parallel systems

which can be computed as the multivariate normal probability discussed in Sec. 2.7.2. The bounds for system failure probability also can be computed if the exact value of Pf, sys is not required. In the case that all performance variables W’s are independent, the system failure probability reduces to


Pf, sys = П ®(-Pm) (7.44)


Подпись: ps,sys — P Подпись: M U (Wm m—1 Подпись: > 0) Подпись: P Подпись: M U (Zm > -Pm) m—1 Подпись: (7.45)

Alternatively, the reliability of a parallel system can be expressed as

Подпись: ps,sys Parallel systems Подпись: (7.46)

The second-order bounds for this system reliability, according to Eq. (7.27), are

in which L( jij, em 1 pjm) — P [Zj > ej, Zm > em — Ф( ej, em 1 pjm) +

Ф(в j) + Ф^)-!.

Example 7.8 Referring to Example 7.6, determine the system reliability by consid­ering that the system would fail if all three modes of operation fail.

Solution Since the system is in parallel, the system failure probability can be calculated as

Pf, sys — P(Wi < 0, W2 < 0, W3 < 0)

— P(Z1 < -2.68, Z2 < -3.46, Z3 < -2.68) — 0.0001556

which is obtained in Example 7.6. Hence the reliability of the system is 0.9998444.

In the framework of time-to-failure analysis, the unreliability of a parallel system involving M independent components can be computed as


Подпись:pf, sys(t) — ^ pf, m(t)


in which pf, m(t) — P(Tm < t), the unreliability of the mth component within the specified time interval (0, t]. Hence the system reliability in time interval (0, t] is


Ps, sys(t) = 1 – Pf, sys(t) = 1 – П Pf, m(t) (7.48)


Подпись: and Parallel systems Parallel systems

The failure density function f sys(t) and failure rate hsys(t) for a parallel system consisting of M independent components are

For each component having an exponential failure density function with the parameter Xm, for m — 1,2,…, M, the failure probability of a parallel system can be computed as


Pf ,sys(t) — П (1 – e~lmt) (7.51)


with the corresponding system reliability


Ps, sys(t) — 1 – П (1 – e-lmt) (7.52)


Подпись: M f sys(t) — m—1 Подпись: M Ц(1 - e-jt) j —m Подпись: Xm e Подпись: Xm* Подпись: (7.53)

The system failure density function f sys(t) is

Parallel systems Подпись: (7.54)

In the case that all components have an identical failure rate, that is, X1 — X2 — ■ ■ — XM — X, the MTTF of the system is

The unavailability of a parallel system involving M independent compo­nents is


Usys(t) —Ц Um(t) (7.55a)


and the corresponding system availability is


Asys(t) = 1 – Ц Um(t) (7.55b)


Parallel systems Подпись: (1 - e Подпись: ) Подпись: (7.56)

Under the condition of independent exponential repair functions for the M components, the unavailability of a parallel system is

Parallel systems Parallel systems Подпись: MTTRm MTTRm + MTTFm Подпись: (7.57)

and the stationary system unavailability is

Example 7.9 As an example of a parallel system, consider a pumping station con­sisting of two identical pumps operating in a redundant configuration so that either pump could fail, and the peak discharge could still be delivered. Both pumps have a failure rate of k = 0.0005 failures/h, and both pumps start operating at t = 0. The system reliability for a mission time of t = 1000 h, according to Eq. (7.52), is


Подпись: 15 = 1.5 k
Подпись: = 3000 h

ps, sys(t = 1000) = 1 – (1 – e-(0 0005>(1000>)(1 – e-(0-0005)(1000)) = 0.8452 The MTTF, according to Eq. (7.53), is

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