Multivariate normal distributions
A bivariate normal distribution has a PDF defined as
for k = 1 and 2. As can be seen, the two random variables having a bivariate normal PDF are, individually, normal random variables. It should be pointed out that given two normal marginal PDFs, one can construct a bivariate PDF that is not in the form of a bivariate normal as defined by Eq. (2.108).
According to Eq. (2.17), the conditional normal PDF of X11 x2 can be obtained as
Figure 2.26 Three-dimensional plots of bivariate standard normal probability density functions. (After Johnson and Kotz, 1976.)
Figure 2.27 Contour of equal density of bivariate standard normal probability density functions. (After Johnson and Kotz, 1976.)
for —to < x1 < to. Based on Eq. (2.109), the conditional expectation and variance of the normal random variable X11 x2 can be obtained as
E(X1 | x2) = P1 + P12(ff1/V2)(x2 – P2) (2.110)
Var(X11 x2) = (1 – P22) (2.111)
Expressions of the conditional PDF, expectation, and variance for X2 | x1 can be obtained immediately by exchanging the subscripts in Eqs. (2.109) through (2.111).
For the general case involving K correlated normal random variables, the multivariate normal PDF is
in which і, = (д1, p.2,…, /гК )t, a К x 1 column vector of the mean values of the variables, with the superscript t indicating the transpose of a matrix or vector, and Cx is a К x К covariance matrix:
^11 |
012 |
■ ‘ ‘ p1K |
021 |
022 |
■ ■ ■ 02K |
Pk 1 |
pK 2 |
■ ■ ■ °KK_ |
Cov(X) = С, = |
This covariance matrix is symmetric, that is, Pjk = okj, for j = k, where ajk = Cov(Xj, Xk). In matrix notation, the covariance matrix for a vector of random variables can be expressed as
С, = E [(X — і,)(X — і,)4
In terms of standard normal random variables, Zk = (Xk — ik)’ak, the standardized multivariate normal PDF, can be expressed as
in which Rx = Cz = E (ZZ *) is a К x К correlation matrix:
1 |
P12 ■ |
■ P1K |
P21 |
1 ■ |
■ P2K |
PK1 |
PK2 ■ |
■ 1 |
Corr(X) = Cov(Z) = Rx = |
with pjk = Cov(Zj, Zk) being the correlation coefficient between each pair of normal random variables Xj and Xk. For bivariate standard normal variables,
the following relationships of cross-product moments are useful (Hutchinson and Lai, 1990):
for m and n being positive integer numbers.
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