2.1.1 Statewide Systems Planning

The beginnings of any roadway project involving government money are found in a statewide transportation planning program. The state transportation department devel­ops a set of goals and objectives which take into account social, economic, environ­mental, and developmental goals of other state, federal, and local agencies. Based on these goals and objectives, the department identifies transportation improvement needs throughout the state. The approach is from a multimodal standpoint; that is, not just highways are considered, but all forms of transportation, including public trans­portation, railroads, water, aviation, bikeways, and pedestrian ways (Ref. 6).

2.1.2 Transportation Programming Phase

In order to evaluate various projects from various parts of the state, information is col­lected consisting of the following items: transportation inventories, traffic analyses, modal forecasts, future system requirements, levels of service, population data and fore­casts, land use inventories, public facilities plans, and basic social, economic, and envi­ronmental data. This information comes from various sources, both public and private, is updated on a regular basis, and is used in developing the state’s transportation improvement program.

The statewide fiscal program is also considered in developing the plan. Transportation investment, fiscal forecasts, and consideration of expenditure tradeoffs between modes are some of the financial considerations affecting the project selection process.

Public input is sought from regional to local levels. Local and regional planning organizations, as well as private individuals, have a chance to express opinions and provide input to the project selection process. Once all factors have been evaluated, the state announces and publishes its recommended transportation improvement plan. This usually consists of a one-year plan and a five-year plan, with remaining projects grouped under long-range plans.

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