High Mast Power Connection
The conventional method of supplying electric energy to the high mast ring, with the luminaires at the top of the pole, uses a normal twist-lock plug and cap set. Some of these have a neoprene cover to provide some degree of waterproofing, but oftentimes this cover is either poorly installed or missing entirely. The result has been premature failure of the plug and cap set due to moisture. In some cases, the connectors will short-circuit between phases, and in others a large hole is burned through the connector body where the electricity arcs to a grounded structure. This latter case is particularly dangerous to the maintenance technician who attempts to reset a tripped circuit breaker while standing directly in front of the power cord connector. A method to avoid this has been developed by MG2/Duraline by utilizing a submersible cable connector that is impervious to moisture [14].
7.28.2 Foundation Installation
A sometimes overlooked hazard on the roadside is a poorly installed foundation. Any foundation, regardless of the design, can be a hazard unless care is taken to ensure that neither any portion of the foundation nor the predicted breakline of the breakaway device is above the 4-in (100-mm) line. Strict adherence to details, such as discussed in Art. 7.26, will produce a safe foundation even on a steep slope.
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