2.9.1 Defining Access Control

Control of access is the condition where the right of owners or occupants of abutting land to access a highway is fully or partially controlled by public authority. Access control is usually defined by regulations of the authority having jurisdiction over the roadway. The purpose of establishing access control is to provide for the safe and expeditious movement of vehicles on the street or highway, while upgrading the level of service and safety to those living near and using the facility. Regulations may be categorized as full control of access, partial control of access, and driveway and approach regulations.

Full control of access is the means by which preference is given to through traffic by providing access connections only at selected public roads and by prohibiting at – grade crossings and direct private driveway connections. Partial control of access still gives preference to through traffic, but allows some at-grade crossings and some drive­way connections. Driveway or approach regulations may apply where no control of access is obtained. Each abutting property is permitted access to the street or highway, but the location, number, and geometrics of the access points may be governed by the regulations.

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