Joisting Tips

Material Movement for Joists

1. Material movement is a major part of installing joists.

2. Always carry the joists crown-up. This way, you can spread the joists in place, in the right direction, without having to look for the crown a second time. It’s easier to look for the crown on the lumber pile than when it is on the wall.

3. Check on the size of joists and positions needed. Try to spread the joists on the top of the pile first so you won’t have to restack them.

4. Check your carrying path for the joists. Sometimes you can reduce your overall time by making a simple ramp or laying a joist perpendicular to those already in place.

Cutting Joists to Length

1. Cut joists after spreading.

• Spread joists on layout, and tight to rim joists.

• Chalk cut line.

• Lift and cut each joist in sequence.

2. Cut joist on lumber stack.

• Measure joist lengths.

• Cut multiple joists on lumber pile.

Nailing Joists

1. Position joist on layout and plumb.

2. Nail through rim joist into joists, making sure joist is plumb.

3. Toenail through joist into double plate. Nail away from end of joist to prevent splitting.

Rafter Tips

Cutting Rafters

1. Figure cut lines for rafters, and check measurements before cutting.

2. Install common rafters first.

3. Cut three rafters.

4. Check two to see if they fit. If they fit, leave them in place and use the third as a pattern for remaining cuts. If they don’t fit, cut to fit or save for hip or valley jacks.

5. Cut balance of common rafters and install.

Installing Ridge Board

1. Figure height for ridge board.

2. Install temporary supports for the ridge board.

3. Install ridge board.

Nailing Rafters

1. Toenail common rafters on layout into double plate.

2. Nail on layout through ridge board into rafter.

3. Cut hip and valley rafters.

4. Cut jack rafters.

5. Set and nail hip or valley rafter.

6. String line centerline of hip or valley.

7. Layout hip or valley rafter.

8. Toenail jack rafter on layout through rafter into double plate.

9. Nail jack rafter to hip or valley rafter.

Sheathing Tips

Floor Sheathing

1. Make sure the first piece goes on square.

2. Chalk a line using a reference line and the longest part of the building possible.

3. Align the short edge of the plywood with interior joists, the long edge with the rim.

4. Pull the layout from secured interior joists.

5. Nail the plywood to align with the chalk line and layout marks.

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