Other fittings 12
In last article we already noted that on old ordering the turnaround valve called the elevating valve. It was connected with the most vserasprostranenny design of such devices. On fig. 1. the scheme of operation of that elevating valve is shown.
Fig. 1. Scheme of the device of the elevating (turnaround) valve.
As we contemplate from the scheme, a zolotnik firmly посиживает on a saddle, and reveals only under the influence of a stream of a working environment. The effort which is required for zolotnik opening, is defined by its weight, and as a spring which not including all the rest provides its correct landing. Existence of a spring allows to regulate this effort. Besides, the turnaround valve can be established so that the zolotnik will not adjoin to a saddle under the influence of gravity, in this case existence of a spring indispensable. The stream of a working environment raises a zolotnik, from here and the title, the elevating valve. From the scheme it is perfectly visible that if to change the direction of a stream of a working environment, the valve will not reveal. And even moreover, the turnaround stream can press down a zolotnik to a saddle only more feasibly. As we contemplate, the zolotnik in such device moves perpendicularly in relation to the direction of a stream of a working environment. The shaft for which in a cover there is a directing helps it with it usually.
On fig. 2. the scheme some other device is provided, which near future gains popularity, it is the spherical turnaround valve. The design is slightly simpler than it, well and the fashion on spherical devices still exists. At such technological decision the zolotnik which is executed in the form of a sphere, moves parallel to the direction of a stream of a working environment.
Fig. 2. Scheme of the device of the spherical turnaround valve.
The elevating valve is considered the universal constructive decision, and is used on pipelines of various diameters, from huge to the small. The spherical valve is used in the main thing on pipelines of small diameters, more often in sewer systems. In our case, us household application interests, we can meet both with elevating, and spherical turnaround valves.
Continuation follows …
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