Sanitary partitions

Sanitary partitions
Sanitary partitions
At repair, re-planning or construction of a new structure it is impossible to forget about "intimate" places, such as a bathroom, a bathroom etc. Giving to pretentiousness to the main room and allocating under it bulk of efforts, we often disregard a question of sanitary cabins. Deaf walls are always the cracked tile and/or the peeled-off paint. Finally on repair also goes to few times more time and means. In similar cases, the sanitary partition is the good decision for hygiene maintenance.

The sanitary partition is the dividing design executed from a dural framework and filling.

The system of sanitary partitions and modular сантехкабин consists of 5 profiles and can be equipped with the raspashny doors made of a material of filling. Partitions for toilets and shower from our company have a number of competitive advantages.

The design of a sanitary cabin has the overestimated krepkost and lightweight, is executed from high-quality (the particleboard, aluminum) materials, has tidy external shape.

Sanitary partitions are the modular system consisting of profiles, raspashny doors and a material filler. Ease of system and esthetic appeal, turns out because of small width of a profile. Sanitary partitions revet from the 2nd parties with plastic, and legs cover chrome, it provides protection against corrosion.

The dural profile of partitions can be painted in though what color powder enamel. The sizes of partitions can be or standard, or personally steal up. The form of booths also can vary.

Filling сантехкабин also can be practically though what – from strong polycarbonate to the LDSP standard panels. Accessories and locks for partitions are already provided in a design by performers that gives the chance simply and to change or establish promptly a fixing element in without the aid of others and kutsy time.

Sanitary partitions

Such makary, a sanitary partition – not substitution assistant in development of freshness and purity in places of the general use.

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