Wood baths.

In almost all modern interiors designers aspire to satisfy needs of the person for aspiration to natural motives, from it there are noteworthy and unique decisions in design formation.

Wood baths.

To one of such decisions – was creation of wood baths, a tree – a material which enough very much changes under the influence of water – became a vessel for it, almost in everything naturally it is necessary to thank the latest processing which made a tree strong, not absorbing water – in order to avoid deformation and at all this not lost beauty. Decorative value of wood baths almost in everything exceeded the price of their clay brothers, without looking at that more efforts are spent for creation of sanitary porcelain.

Wood baths.

The thought to chagrin of the unique cannot be called, because in a history extent wood vessels for washing were used in almost all people since old times.

Wood baths.

Now it is possible to meet a bolshushchy abundance of design of forms of wood baths: square, rectangular, roundish, cylindrical (in the form of a barrel), and as the combined options.

Wood baths.

As they differ on a structure – at connection of parts of a bath in a single whole use details with tree fibers повдоль or across concerning a floor horizontal, with fibers across – it is possible to behold a bath on the first and second image, because of difficulty of connection of a design – such bath is more expensive, on other images – baths with fibers повдоль floor horizontals.

Wood baths.

When developing wood baths use a tree more from usual breeds which was applied in shipbuilding and perfectly tested with time, these are such breeds as: an oak, a tic, a cedar, махагон and the larch, coniferous breeds do not use, because because of the huge content of pitch in tree structure – it is very difficult to impregnate with the special structure which is clogging up of pores of wood breed.

The color palette is very diverse, because without considering a natural color – a morilka for a tree it is possible to betray any color and a color.

Operation of such baths asks a little specific leaving, but this tiny inconvenience can be endured thanks to pleasant feelings.

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