Horizontal siding panels are usually 12 ft. 6 in. long, though some companies make longer panels. Siding is sold by the square, or the number of panels needed to cover 100 sq. ft. To estimate how many squares of siding you’ll need, calculate how many square feet of wall surface you need to cover, add 10 percent for waste, then divide by 100.

Order enough starter strips to go around the entire building; these typically come in 10-ft. lengths. You’ll also need trim for each inside and outside corner. You can order trim pieces that are the same color as the siding or use a contrasting color, as we did on this house.

If the windows didn’t come with an integral J-channel, or chan­nel surround, then order enough J-channel to cover the top and the sides of all the windows and doors. J-channel is also used along the rake and soffit, as shown on p. 152.You also need to order enough undersill trim to go below each window and to cap the top edge of the last piece of wall siding on the eave walls, which is how they are often finished.

Large-head, 11/2-in. to 2-in. galvanized nails are used to attach both the siding and the trim. A 50-lb. box should be adequate for a small house. Finally, don’t forget about the vinyl soffit panels for closing in the area under the eaves. As shown in the following pages, soffit panels may require J – or F-channel trim.


On single-story construction, most scaffold work can be done with good sawhorses and good planks. Make sure the planks you choose have a solid, even grain and small, tight knots. If a plank breaks, a fall of only a cou­ple of feet can put you out of commission for a while. And just because you buy good scaffold planks today doesn’t mean that they will be safe to use a year from now, especially if they’re left out in the elements. I pre­fer to use manufactured decking planks made of steel and aluminum. They are more expensive, but they make a more secure working platform.

When you have to work higher up, you’re better off buying or renting solid-pipe scaffolding. These 6-ft.-high units are easy to set up, and they create a 5-ft. by 8-ft. working platform. Make sure the legs are set on a firm foundation and not just on bare earth. Pipe-scaffolding units can be stacked on top of each other for working on a two-story building. If you will be working more than


10 ft. high, ask for guardrails, which are easy to install and help protect you from an accidental fall.

Some builders like to use pump jacks and ladder jacks as an alternative to pipe scaffolding. Available at most sup­ply houses, these jacks are useful when installing sheath­ing, housewrap, or siding. Used in pairs, pump jacks attach to double 2×4 or single 4×4 (31/2-in.) posts that are held upright with braces temporarily nailed to the roof or to the wall framing. Each pump jack can move up and down on its post to adjust the elevation of the work platform.

If you’re using pump jacks, make sure the units come with a built-in guardrail that protects you from falling backward. Make sure the uprights rest on a solid base and not on bare earth. Ladder jacks are steel brackets that hook on the rungs of ladders. Once the brackets are se­cured to a pair of ladders, you can set planks on the brack­ets. If you want to move up and work at a higher level, you must remove the planks and reposition the brackets.


The walls look strange covered with foam boards and wood panels.

Vinyl siding will be a big improvement.

All the windows must be installed before the siding goes on.

It takes teamwork to get the window frame into its opening and centered properly.

Vinyl starter strips and different kinds of trim must be nailed in place before we install the siding panels.



Подпись: ІШІШІШШІІШШШІІШШШШШШШІШШШШШШІІШШШШШІШІШШІШШШШШШШІШІШШШІІШШШШІШІШІШШІІІ Подпись: HABITAT HELPS NEW HOMEOWNERS CONTINUE LEARNING Providing a family with four walls and a roof is just the first step in helping them get established. Here at the Twin Cities' affiliate, we also aim to equip families with knowledge, so that they become successful homeowners. Because Habitat families are first-time homebuyers, most are unfamiliar with the basic maintenance, repair, and budgeting responsibilities that come with homeownership. To bridge this information gap, we provide more than a dozen different classes. Many classes emphasize that “an ounce of prevention" helps protect a family's investment and reduces long-term costs. Basic maintenance classes describe how a house works from top to bottom and explain how (and why) to turn off outdoor faucets, clean out window wells, drain sediment from the water heater, test fire alarms, and check for excessive moisture in the attic. Habitat homebuyer classes cover more than just caring for the physical house, however. Three money-management classes cover everything from basic budgeting to the pitfalls of credit cards to teaching children how to use money wisely. Other classes cover topics such as poisonous household products, city ordinances that affect property, block clubs, safety, and crime prevention. Because Habitat has a commitment to environmental stewardship, our classes also cover recycling; ecologically friendly (and economical) practices, such as making cleaning products from natural ingredients; and energy and resource conservation. These practices often seem like common sense to homebuyers who have come from countries without the wealth of natural resources we enjoy here. And while they learn new ways of doing things in class, Habitat families often share old traditions as well. —Cheryl Winget і и їм їм MI и їм їм MI и їм їм MI и їм їм їм MI и їм їм MI и їм їм MI и їм їм їм MI и їм їм MI и їм їм MI и їм їм MI и їм їм їм MI и їм їм MI и їм їм MI и їм їм MI

Exterior trim

Aluminum-clad exterior trim goes well with vinyl siding because, like vinyl, it’s also a no­maintenance finish treatment. Aluminum sheets have a factory-applied finish and come on large rolls in various widths. Often referred to as coil aluminum, this sheet material is bent at the job site to fit around exterior trim boards.

To prep for this treatment, rough fascia boards (also called gutter boards) are nailed to the ends of the roof trusses and to the rafter tails on the roof extension above the side door (see the photo on p. 154). Some of these trim details are covered in Chapter 5 and should be com­pleted before the roof is sheathed and shingled. Other trim details, such as the boxed gable-end return shown on p. 173, can be done as the alu­minum cladding goes on.

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