
Swimming Pools and Hot Tubs

If you wish to include a swimming pool or hot tub inside your home, the two major health concerns to consider are water sterilization and humidity-related mold infestation. Пае standard disinfectants used to kill microbes and algae in swimming pools are chlorine or other halogenated compounds, which are easily absorbed through the swimmer s skin as well as inhaled into the lungs. Піеге are sev­eral alternatives to chlorination. Ozonation is a popular method used in Europe for steriliz­ing water. Other methods include electrolysis, ultraviolet light, and filtration through char­coal and pesticide-free diatomaceous earth. Pools using these alternate methods need to be frequently monitored for the presence of bacteria. Occasionally a small amount of harsher chemicals may be required.

Nonchlorine-based systems for pool dis­infection include:

• AquaRite Saline Generator: Uses com­

mon salt and converts it to free chlorine with none of the side effects of standard chlorination

• ClearWater Tech, Inc.: Ozone generator system for pool disinfection

• DEL Industries: Water ozonation for pools, wells, and spas

• Real Goods: Source of the Floatron, a solar-powered pool purifier combining solar electric power with mineral ioniza­tion and reducing chlorine usage up to 80 percent

Enclosing a large body of heated water within a living space will create a humid micro­climate, which is an invitation to mold growth and can result in damage from condensation. Design measures can prevent mold growth and condensation damage. The following fea­tures should be integrated into the design:

• fitted covers that remain in place to pre­vent evaporation when the pool or hot tub is unoccupied


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