Bau-Biology Standard SBM 2008: A Unique Indoor Environmental Assessment Tool
The professional Bau-Biology Standard SBM 2008 provides a uniqueand comprehensiveassessment and evaluation system consisting of over30 indoor environmental parameters. The Standard uses an unorthodox approach because it is not based on single threshold limit values derived from medical dose responses. Instead, the Standard uses a gradient scale with four different levels based on the concentration levels normally encountered in na
ture or non-problem buildings. The evaluation criteria are determined by the deviations from this normal state and are expressed as categories of change. The categories are: normal environment, slight change, significant change, and severe change. The table below defines the four categories used in the Standard and provides an example for carbon dioxide (C02) levels.
Normal Environment |
Slight Change |
Significant Change |
Severe Change |
Reflects normal environmental conditions or common and inevitable background levels in our civilized environment |
Slightly higher levels; following the precautionary principle, long-term mitigation is recommended, especially with sensitive or ill individuals |
Likely to present an elevated risk; short-term mitigation is recommended |
Call for immediate action and mitigation; in many cases international guidelines for occupational exposure limits may be reached or exceeded |
C02 <500 ppm |
C02 500-700 ppm |
C02 700-1000 ppm |
C02 >1000 ppm |
The Bau-Biology Standard is based on the precautionary principle. It is derived from studies based on long-term exposure during the human regeneration phase (while sleeping) and was established over decades of experience. The reference values are designed for sleeping areas, not for commercial or industrial workplaces. All other standards in North America are based on the workplace and do not directly address health at home. The Bau-Biology Standard itself is divided into two sections: Evaluation Guidelines and StandardTesting Methodology. These are further differentiated into three groups of environmental parameters:
• Group A. Indoor Air Climate and Environmental Toxins
• Group B. Fungi, Bacteria, and Allergens
• Group C. Physical Fields and Radiation
A comprehensive assessment of potential biological environmental risk factors and their reduction to achievable levels are the basis of the Standard.
The Institute for Bau-Biology and Ecology (IBN) was founded in 1976 by Anton Schneider of Germany. The German word "Bau" means building, habitat, or shelter. "Biology" refers to the study of living things. The institute studies and addresses the impact buildings have on human health and promotes healthy, environmentally and ecologically friendly construction techniques.
The Standard was developed between 1987 and 1992 by the consulting firm of Baubiologie
Maes in conjunction with the IBN, environmental consultants, physicians, and scientists. The document was initially published in the German journal Wohnung und Gesundheit (Living Spaces and Health) in 1992. A ten-member Standard Committee reviews and revises the document periodically. The latest update was in 2003. In the meantime, the Standard has been internationally accepted as a comprehensive tool for independent indoor environmental assessments in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand and is available in the United States through the International Institute for Bau – Biologie & Ecology in Clearwater, Florida.
The three groups of environmental parameters and categories of change are outlined in a condensed version in the following tables. The Baubiology Evaluation Guidelines are proposed for sleeping areas and are not directly related to work areas.
Group A: Indoor Air Climate and Environmental Toxins
A |
Parameter |
Normal environment |
Slight change |
Significant change |
Severe change |
1 |
Carbon dioxide concentration in air (ppm) |
600 |
600-1000 |
1000-1500 |
>1500 |
2 |
Relative humidity (%) |
40-60 |
<40 / >60 |
<30/>70 |
<20/>80 |
3 |
Formaldehyde concentration in air (ppm) |
0.02 |
0.02-0.05 |
0.05-0.1 |
>0.1 |
4 |
Total volatile organic compounds in air (pg/m3) |
<100 |
100-300 |
300-1000 |
>1000 |
5 |
Total pesticides concentration in air (ng/m3) |
<1 |
5-25 |
25-100 |
>100 |
6 |
PCP, lindane, permethrin in wood (mg/kg) |
<1 |
1-10 |
10-100 |
>100 |
7 |
Dichlofluanid, chlorpyrifos in dust (mg/kg) |
<0.5 |
0.5-2 |
2-10 |
>10 |
8 |
PCBs, chlorinated fire retardants in dust (mg/kg) |
<0.5 |
0.5-2 |
2-10 |
>10 |
9 |
Polyaromatic hydrocarbons in dust (mg/kg) |
<0.5 |
0.5-2 |
2-20 |
>20 |
10 |
Plasticizer in dust (mg/kg) |
<100 |
100-250 |
250-1000 |
>1000 |
11 |
Small air ions (per cm3) |
>500 |
200-500 |
100-200 |
<100 |
12 |
Electrostatic charge in air (V/m) |
<100 |
100-500 |
500-2,000 |
>2,000 |
Group В: Fungi, Bacteria, and Allergens
В |
Mold counts (spore counts or colony forming units) |
1. Mold counts should be less or similar when compared to surrounding outdoor environments or non-problem buildings. |
II. Mold types in the indoor air should be similar to those present in the outside air. |
III. Particular toxic species such as Aspergillus or Stachybotrys, yeast-like fungi such as Candida or Cryptococcus, and coliform bacteria should be present only in low concentration levels. |
IV. Any suspected microbial colonization (water damage, odors, material deterioration, high RH, or building history) should be investigated. |
Group C: Physical Fields and Radiation
C |
Parameter |
Normal environment |
Slight change |
Significant change |
Severe change |
1 |
AC electric fields in air (V/m) |
<1 |
1 -5 |
5-50 |
>50 |
2 |
AC electric fields on body (mV) |
<10 |
10-100 |
100-1000 |
>1000 |
3 |
AC magnetic fields, flux density (mG) |
<0.2 |
0.2-1 |
1-5 |
>5 |
4 |
Microwaves in power density (uW/m2) |
<0.1 |
0.1-10 |
10-100 |
>100 |
5 |
DC electrostatic charge, surface (V) |
<100 |
100-500 |
500-2,000 |
>2,000 |
6 |
DC electrostatic charge, discharge time (s) |
<10 |
10-30 |
30-60 |
>60 |
7 |
DC magnetic fields, deviation (ЦТ) |
<1 |
1-2 |
2-10 |
>10 |
8 |
DC Magnetic fields, deviation (degree) |
<2 |
2-10 |
10-100 |
>100 |
9 |
Ionizing radiation (increase in %) |
<50 |
50-70 |
70-100 |
>100 |
10 |
Radon gas in air (Bq/m3) |
<30 |
30-60 |
60-200 |
>200 |
11 |
Terrestrial radiation, deviation (nT) |
<100 |
100-200 |
200-1,000 |
>1000 |
12 |
Terrestrial radiation, deviation (%) |
<10 |
10-20 |
20-50 |
>50 |
The Standard Testing Methodology for these environmental parameters was developed in conjunction with the Evaluation Guidelines to provide consistent and repeatable measurement results. Bau-Biology building investigations and assessments are unique because they examine a large number of environmental factors and look to nature, our planet Earth, for guiding principles.
The Standard makes a quantum leap by abandoning the traditional dose response-based threshold and action levels. It provides information on normally encountered background levels and establishes gradients that enable the environmental consultant to put measurement values into a real-life, proactive perspective.
Most indoor environmental testing in the United States focuses on a very few factors such as mold, asbestos, formaldehyde, and lead. Rarely does it address the electromagnetic spectrum, which has changed so significantly over the last decades. The knowledge of how to test, assess, evaluate, and heal our habitats and structures empowers us to improve our health, safety, and wellbeing in a lasting way.
For a copy of the actual standards or more information on testing, assessment, and Bau-Biology concepts, contact the author or the institutes and associations listed below:
• Peter Sierck, President, Environmental Testing &Technology, Inc., 5431 Avenida Encinas, Suite F, Carlsbad, CA 92008,760-804-9400, PSierck@ ETandT. com, Baubiology. com
• I nstitut fur Baubiologie&Okologie Neubeuern IBN, baubiologie. de
• International Institute for Bau-Biologie & Ecology (IBE), Clearwater, Florida, buildingbiology. net
* Berufsverbad Deutscher Baubiologen (VDB), baubiologie. net
• Verband Baubiologie, verband-baubiologie. de
Peter Sierck, CMC, CMRS, REA, BBEI, founder of En – vironmentalTesting andTechnology, Inc. (ET&T) in 1986, pioneered indoor air quality testing methods and procedures for residential and commercial buildings. Peter is a naturopathic physician, industrial hygienist, and Bau-Biologist. He has surveyed and helped remediate over 3,000 buildings and is a member of the Bau-Biology Standard Committee.
or glass slide and ship it to the laboratory. The lab technicians will stain the tape sample to make the fungal growth easier to view and then examine it under a microscope.
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